The story below shows what a difference a 30-60-90-Day Plan can make in the level and quality of your communication in the interview. For Dereck, it made the difference between losing out on a job he could have done with his eyes closed and getting an offer (from another interview) for a more senior role at a higher salary: Peggy, After taking a 5-year career break to look after my children following the death of my wife, I decided resume my career now that I am remarried and the children are much more independent. After having sooooo many job applications ignored or turned down...I finally got invited for an interview. It went dreadfully even though I could have done the job with my eyes closed. I was invited for another a different company so I purchased a copy of your Interview question books and 306090 day plan book [on Amazon]. I studied these with interest and did my preparation. Went to the interview with my question list and 306090 day plan, but some of my experience wasn’t broad enough. Although I was turned down for the job, the interviewing manager recommended me to his directors stating “this was the best prepared candidate I have ever seen and we would be mad to let him go”. So I was invited back for another interview for a more senior role that didn’t yet exist, and for which they had no other candidates. This was a unique challenge – but I still did a 306090 day plan for it (based simply on a one-word hint from the recruiting team), extending it to cover tasks in months 4-6 and beyond Today I was offered this more senior job, on a good salary, with promise of a review after 6 months to increase [...]